If the program you'd like to register for is full, please fill this Google Form to be put on the wailist: VPSC Mini's Program Waitlist
Group Description
This group is the second level of the VPSC Minis Program and will be comprised of elementary school aged (Grades 3-5) swimmers. The focus of this group is to teach swimmers skills necessary in all aspects of competitive swimming as they continue their journey towards regional and provincial level swimming.
Target Age
Swimmers born in 2014, 2015, 2016
Swimmers must be able to swim all 4 strokes as well as a 100 IM as well as perform dives and turns effectively. Swimmers who are working towards and on the cusp of achieving their Lower Mainland Region (LMR) standard of swimming a 200 IM under 4:00. Selection into this group is at the discretion of the Head Coach / Program Director & the Minis Program Director.
Primary Competitions
VPSC Hosted PASS Meets, PASS Meets hosted by other clubs and Swim BC sanctioned meets.
Required Equipment
Goggles, Water Bottle, Kickboard, Long Fins, Mesh Equipment Bag, Training Suit, VPSC T-Shirt (1 Provided with Registration), VPSC cap (2 Provided with Registration).
Subject to change as we are still working to finalize pool time and land work time. Please note that during certain times throughout the season the group’s practice times may be adjusted. Practice time & location changes can be caused by holiday training times, Stat holidays, pool closures, competition and events.
Lord Byng
Lord Byng
Lord Byng
Lord Byng
Cost for Group
September Monthly Training Fee*
Family Membership Charge**
Volunteer Points Fee***
Swim BC/Swimming Canada Registration****
$103.50-123.50 (TBC)
*For the 2024/25 season, training fees will be charged monthly on the 15th of every month. The monthly fee will be charged for 10 months beginning on August 15, 2024, with the final charge coming on May 15, 2025.
*30 days of notice via email to your coach and the Financial Administrator is required if you withdraw before the end of the season.
**There is only one Family Membership Charge per family (Charged on July 15th).
*** There is only one Volunteer Points Fee charge per family at the beginning of the season based on the highest-level family member (Charged on October 15th).
****Swim BC has yet to set this fee for the 2024-2025 season. Once this fee is set families will be informed of the amount and will be charged the Swim BC fee on September 15th.